Humberside, England

No details available for this postal service.
Attempts to contact them have not yet succeeded.
Please send any information to johncrabbe(at)yahoo.com

Reference seen on the Internet in 2002/3.

Scouts Xmas post a success
This year's 'Scouts Christmas Post' was a great success. Over 400 Christmas cards were collected and delivered around the village, and although it was a free service, donations totalled £45.16. This went towards a Christmas treat - a trip to Hull Ice Arena and a McDonalds afterwards.
Thanks go out to Leven Library, Charters Butchers and the Surgery, for allowing the collection boxes on their premises. A big thank you also goes out to 'the lady who knows every address in Leven' (some envelopes were incorrectly addressed but were still delivered correctly)

Scout County of Humberside

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This page last amended 1st March 2021
© copyright 2021 John Crabbe