Tayside, Scotland

No details available for this postal service.
Attempts to contact them have not yet succeeded.
Please send any information to johncrabbe(at)

Seen on the internet in 2012.
This year the 3 Scout Groups in Montrose have raised an amazing £1600 between them doing the annual Scout Post - Christmas card delivery. Well done to everyone who did all the hard work of sorting and delivering as well as those who did all the organising.

Seen on the internet in 2015.
A joint Christmas effort by local Scouts will raise funds for the 1st and 2nd Montrose and Hillside Scout Troops. They will run a Christmas postal service from December 1 to 14 with post boxes in the Steeple Chemist and William Johnston, Newsagent. There will also be a collection box in every sheltered housing complex in the town.

Scout County of Angus

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This page last amended 11th May 2023
© copyright 2023 John Crabbe